Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT) was authorized by the Families First Corona Virus Response Act. The purpose of P-EBT is to provide food assistance to families with children who would have received free or reduced lunch while attending school but are not in school due to COVID-19 restrictions.
This benefit is available only to families with children enrolled in an Indiana school, and were eligible for free or reduced lunch, or the school is a Community Eligibility Provision participant. The student must have participated in virtual learning, was in quarantine, or was out of school due to illness for at least 5 consecutive school days; or schools had a delayed start or school closure due to COVID-19 of 5 consecutive days or more.
The State of Indiana has received approval from the USDA to issue additional P-EBT benefits to eligible students enrolled at schools operating remotely during the 2020-21 school year through September 30, 2020. Round II P-EBT issuance for the 2020-2021 school year has new eligibility conditions for student participation. The Division of Family Resources (DFR) contacted all Indiana schools requesting a roster of all eligible students. School participation was voluntary for round II P-EBT issuance. Students eligible for P-EBT will receive funds on new P-EBT cards that should arrive in the mail by the end of November.
For additional information on Pandemic EBT, please view and share the pdf links below or visit the DFR site. The P-EBT information documents and frequently asked questions (FAQ) have been translated into both Spanish and Burmese.
Burmese (ဗမာ)
Fall P-EBT info_Burmese
P_EBT-FAQ_Burmese fall 2020
Spanish (Español)
Fall P-EBT info_Spanish 10.20.20
P_EBT-FAQ_Spanish 10.20.20
P-EBT info fall 2020
P-EBT FAQ fall 2020 updated