Signing up for a fishing or hunting license online or at a DNR facility? Please be sure to consider donating to the Sportsmen’s Benevolence Fund to help pay processing fees for venison donated to Indiana’s food banks!
The member food banks of Feeding Indiana’s Hungry work with Indiana’s Farmers & Hunters Feeding Hungry, which facilitates most of the donated meat statewide. FHFH has 22 active coordinators in Indiana, and collectively processed a total of 90,324 pounds of meat in the 2009-2010 hunting season. Protein sources like venison and other wild game are the most wanted yet least available food resource for food banks. The meat from one deer will provide enough for 200 meals!
The Sportsmen’s Benevolence Fund pays exclusively for the processing of deer meat to feed Indiana’s hungry. Your donation of $1 or more will help us feed the nearly 280,000 Hoosier households who reduce the amount of food and change eating patterns because there are not enough resources for food.
Anything that can be done to increase the donations to our member food banks will be a tremendous and welcome help to our food banks and the hungry citizens we serve. Please consider donating when applying for your fishing or hunting licenses this year!
Click here to get your license and donate!